Though last year we had the big blow out party at the park with a bunch of people, adults and children, this year I wanted Simon's birthday party to be low-key. We planned on having it the Sunday after his "real" birthday but then he got sick with a 105.5 temperature. So, we post-poned it to the next Sunday, being 3 weeks after his "real" birthday, just two days shy of his cousin Lailah's third birthday. I am just grateful that we got to celebrate Simon turning two years of age before his third birthday! We all gathered on Sunday, July 19th, at Grandma and Papa's house. When I say all, I mean only nine of us: Aunt Kay, Aunt Leah and her two boys, Andrew & Christian, Grandma and Papa, Reuben (daddy) and myself(mama) and my friend Klaire, which in fun, we say is Simon's only friend these days. Klaire really loves Simon.
We ate good food: Arica's Organic Hamburgers, Klaire's Delicious Pasta Salad, and of course an eggless Carrot Cake made by none other than myself. Simon has allergies to egg, in case you were wondering. I made Simon a felt birthday crown with a banner to match and neither one of them made it into the photos. I will have to stow them away in his keepsake box for tangible proof! Happy Birthday, little man! We love you so much and love watching you grow before our eyes. We sadly bid the "baby" in you farewell. And eagerly welcome the very, very young man you are becoming!
Cute. I loved reading about your baby turning two! And that last photo (with his cousins?) is adorable. I love Reuben's candid people shots! Happy Late B-Day Simon!