Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Due Date Day!
Four wonderful, exhausting, challenging and rewarding years ago today, my sweet little boy was suppose to be born. Being the the stubborn, on-his-own-agenda person that I have come to know, it doesnt surprise me that he decided to come nine whole days later. Happy Due Date Day, Simon. In a little over a week from now we will be celebrating your 4th year on earth.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Birthday Number Three

As simple and casual as it was, it did not suggest an ordinary celebration. This was the first birthday that Simon did not care more about the paper wrapping than the gift inside. It was the first birthday that he actually wanted to eat his cake! It was the first birthday that he was fixated on keeping the candles unlit! Happy Birthday, Simon. We all love you very much.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Sweet Mom-ments
Easter Sunday
Wasn't much to it this year since Simon's is still too young to get into the real meaning of Easter. However, there was still simple celebration. We started out the night before dying eggs at Kelli's house with her 8 year old son, Jonah. Then we headed out to Seacoast Vineyard Church on Sunday morning. It was Seacoast's first service in their new building. The place was absolutely gorgeous and filled with lots of God's love. Then we headed over to Grandma's house where we attempted to sit down a family of eight at a lovely set dinner table to eat a delicious meal. The meal consisted of a lamb, a pork tenderloin with baked apples, broccoli salad, half-mashed potatoes, and baby carrots sweetened with honey and seasoned with mint. Delightful! Hats off to Laurel A.K.A. Grandma. Afterwards, we headed outside for a mini easter egg hunt where Simon was assisted by his cousin, Drew, to hunt for seven colorful eggs planted conspicuously around the backyard. The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out in the yard with monster trucks, dirt and colored chalk. And lets not forget the cool easter basket filled with two easter books, a watch decorated with electric guitars, a stuffed bunny, and a small box of Goldfish. Yum!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Independence Day 2009
Man! What a great night this was! I would have to say this is Simon's first real 4th of July. Last year we just went to a friends' neighborhood and watched the community light off a few of their own. This year, however, we took Simon to 2nd Avenue Pier where the light show was really booming! Loud and beautiful! When we all got there, it was about 8 o'clock and the sun hadn't gone down yet. So, we had alot of time to putz around. I did not plan on Simon getting into the ocean but he had his own agenda! And that, my friends, is how he ended up naked! He had such a great time with his Aunties and cousins! Reuben snapped some really great shots. The air was sweet and salty with a light warm breeze that touched our hearts forever. I was so happy to be with these loving people you see in the photos. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Simon Turns 2!

Though last year we had the big blow out party at the park with a bunch of people, adults and children, this year I wanted Simon's birthday party to be low-key. We planned on having it the Sunday after his "real" birthday but then he got sick with a 105.5 temperature. So, we post-poned it to the next Sunday, being 3 weeks after his "real" birthday, just two days shy of his cousin Lailah's third birthday. I am just grateful that we got to celebrate Simon turning two years of age before his third birthday! We all gathered on Sunday, July 19th, at Grandma and Papa's house. When I say all, I mean only nine of us: Aunt Kay, Aunt Leah and her two boys, Andrew & Christian, Grandma and Papa, Reuben (daddy) and myself(mama) and my friend Klaire, which in fun, we say is Simon's only friend these days. Klaire really loves Simon.
We ate good food: Arica's Organic Hamburgers, Klaire's Delicious Pasta Salad, and of course an eggless Carrot Cake made by none other than myself. Simon has allergies to egg, in case you were wondering. I made Simon a felt birthday crown with a banner to match and neither one of them made it into the photos. I will have to stow them away in his keepsake box for tangible proof! Happy Birthday, little man! We love you so much and love watching you grow before our eyes. We sadly bid the "baby" in you farewell. And eagerly welcome the very, very young man you are becoming!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Early Spring

In early Spring, we set out to the beach. For it was an oddly, beautiful, warm day for March. We met up with my dear friend Ashley and her little princess, Veda, who is one month older than Simon. Reuben captured some great moments in the digital realm; our children chasing a massive flock of seagulls and experiencing all the elements of the beach all over again since last summer. Last summer though, Simon was not at all afraid of the sand. Yet, for some reason this year, before his friend, Veda, arrived, he would not let me put him down on the sand. He clutched to me like white on rice. But, sure enough, when he saw Veda plowing through the beach he had forgotton all about his fears. Enjoy this year's first beach photos. There should be more to come.
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