Thursday, January 1, 2009

Simon in the Studio

As some of you may know, Reuben has started a photography business. So, a few weeks ago he had a photo shoot that we set up in our living room. After our client was finished with her shoot, I jumped into some costume clothes and went nuts while Simon was napping in the bedroom. After about three sets of costume takes, Simon arose from his deep slumber and crept out to greet us with a groggy grin. Reuben and I took the opportunity to capture the after-nap cuteness that we cannot resist kissing. There's an adorable take of his wide-mouthed yawn. And he loves to put our shoes on, so I stuck his little legs in my rain boots. The first few takes were of Simon and I lying down staring into each others' eyes, which is now one of my most favorite memories of my son. He just stared right into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity. The sweetest moment of my life!